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Question: History of ukrainians!?
What did poor ukrainians do for jobs in the early 1900s!? How did 20 year olds live!? What did the ukrainian men do to support their wife and kids back home!? How did they react when Europe declared war in 1914!?

all answers are greatly appreciated!.!.
I am very interested in Ukrainian history, being a ukrainian myself!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the early 1900s the Ukraine was tightly tied to both Russia and Poland!. Jobs would have been things like carpenter, woodcutter, miner or farmer!.

Farms were TINY!.!.!.like the size of a city lot in Chicago!. What happened is that every time someone died, his land was split equally between his kids!. Well, the more generations that passed, the tinier the plots got!. That's the major reason that immigration had to occur!. The land couldn't support the people living on it!.

How did 20 year olds live!? They were busy doing whatever it took to keep the family afloat!. They would have rose before the sun got up and worked until the sun went down!. They could have been working in mines, digging ditches or cutting lumber!. Whatever they were doing, it was "gruntwork"!. They hadn't earned their place in society yet!.

Ukrainian men who came to the US and Canada frequently took jobs on the railroad, in lumber mills or mines!. They were used to working hard and those were the jobs they were recruited for by the organizers who went over there to lure strong men to the US!. Many times, the companies that brought them over would give them the incentive that if they stayed a certain amount of time, they could earn the right to have the company also bring over all of their family members!. As soon as a boy was 14, the companies wanted to bring them over!. That's why you see so many teenage boys coming over alone during that period!.

The war wasn't anything new to them!. The Russian Revolution was the bigger issue!. They were stuck between Russia and the rest of Europe!. Wars were inevitable!. But the revolution overthrew every aspect of their lives and the infighting between the Leninists and Bolsheviks was intense!. They had a brief period of actual freedom, then got swallowed back into the USSR!.Www@QuestionHome@Com