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Position:Home>History> The atlantic wall?

Question: The atlantic wall!?
what's so important about the atlantic wall!? how did the allies break through it!? how was it related to D-day!?

serious answers please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this was a line of defense that started at the border of Spain and France and went on till Norway
The idea was at first to defend the cost city's and all the major ports along the cost but after some dashing commando raids against some undefended parts this changed and thus they started to build strongholds along the complete coastline of Europe!.
This could go from a little pillbox to the most massive bunkers ever build with gun who could fire across the Chanel
Most of this construction work was don by the organization todt
the Ally's did attack at a point where the defense wasn't as strong as in narrow part of the Chanel but they needed some tanks that where adapted to do the job like the Sherman DD a Sherman who could navigated the shallow water of the coastlineWww@QuestionHome@Com

Atlantic Wall was a defense system designed to stop any invasion!. By the time of the invasion, many gun mounts were empty, as the war was going badly for the Germans on the eastern front and in Italy, and these guns were needed there!. This was an advantage, as well as bad weather conditions, when the Allies came ashore on June 6th 1944!.Www@QuestionHome@Com