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Position:Home>History> Can someone who was a teenager in the 70s help me out for a U.S. history project

Question: Can someone who was a teenager in the 70s help me out for a U!.S!. history project!? I want to interview you!.!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Graduated high school in 1976!.!.!.

1!. What is your full name!? Why did your parents select this name for you!? Did you have a nickname!? John D!. Davis (Name was originally supposed to be David Montgomery Ward, but my mom named me John after the Dr!. that delivered all of my brothers and sisters, much to the dismay of my father!.) That is why I go by Dave only to this day!.

2!. When and where were you born!? 1958, Canton, MS!.

3!. How did your family come to live there!? Father was from Arkansas, mother was from Canton!. My father worked in Canton!.

4!. Were there other family members in the area!? Who!? Large family of 9 kids!. (To many to name here!.)

5!. What was the house (apt!., farm, etc!.) like!? How many rooms!? Bathrooms!? Did it have electricity, indoor plumbing, or telephones!? Two story house, many bedrooms and during the time of my birth we didn’t have a phone!. Wasn’t until I was in elementary school that we got one!.

6!. Were there any special items in the house that you remember!? Arch way separating the Living Room from the Dining room!. also I remember a tree house I had as kid in a pecan tree!.

7!. What is your earliest childhood memory!? Vaguely remember blurry images prior to elementary school, but do remember my mother taking me to my first day of school and leaving me!. Felt so all alone at that time!.

8!. What kind of games did you play growing up!? We lived next to the woods and I do remember playing army with my older brothers… (Incidentally years later I went to this same woods and caught poison ivy like there was no tomorrow, will never do that again!.)

9!. What was your favorite toy and why!? Once took a plastic knife to school for showing off the Christmas presents!. (Yeah back in the stone ages we could do that!.) But the reason I took a plastic knife (Army play type variety) was that we were rather poor and couldn’t afford toys but we got socks and pants and clothes type necessities!. But the kids had the best time slinging my plastic knife like they were throwing it at someone!. Bet you couldn’t do that in this day and age!.

10!. What was your favorite thing to do for fun (movies, beach, etc!.)!? I remember watching “Get Smart” and thinking one day I would marry Agent 99!. also you were cool if you pronounce the name of the side kick in the television show “The man from U!.N!.C!.L!.E!.”

11!. Did you have family chores!? What were they!? Which was your least favorite chore!? My father every year would plant a garden (not big but larger than the average back yard, and I vividly remember slave labor of weeding that garden!.

12!. Did you receive an allowance!? How much!? Did you save your money or spend it!? Wasn’t until my father died in the sixth grade that I got an allowance!. It was a whopping dollar a week (if we could get It!.) and I would spend it on comic books!.

13!. What was school like for you as a child!? High school!? College!? Corporal punishment!. Once remember getting slapped so hard my mouth still pops to this day for a wise crack remark!. College registration was waiting in lines to sign up for classes!.

14!. In what school activities and sports did you participate!? Did band and was in student council

15!. Do you remember any fads from your youth!? Popular hairstyles!? Clothes!? Bell bottom jeans and allowing your hair to touch your collar!. (We were so scandalous for wanting to look like the Beetles!.)

16!. Who were your childhood heroes!? Superman

17!. What were your favorite songs and music!? Big Beetles fan

18!. Did you have any pets!? If so, what kind and what were their names!? Had a dog by the name of Snoopy, that got ran over by a car!. My father was bedridden at the time and I remember crying more for that dog than I did when my father died!.

19!. Were you ever mentioned in a newspaper!? No

20!. Who were your friends when you were growing up!? Had friends in school and in my neighborhood!.

21!. What world events had the most impact on you while you were growing up!? Did any of them personally affect your family!? Vietnam War!. One of my older sister’s husband was killed there!.

22!. Describe a typical family dinner!. Dinners were a ritual and the best dinners were saved for Sunday, with them either being Chicken or Spaghetti Dinners!. But as children we weren’t allowed to speak or act out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dude, I'm probably being paranoid, but you're asking too many of the type of questions that get peoples identity stolen!.

I would be happy to be interviewed by you I was 13 in 1970!. But I am from the UK not US !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was born in 1962 so i was a teenager in 1975 so whats your question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


I can't help you, as I was born in 1980, but I wanted to tell you that questions 1-4 gots to go!.!. nobody except a complete moron would give that information to someone they've only met over the internet

the other questions are alright!.!. but you should just eliminate 1-4 from your interview

Your teacher should not require you to list names in your project!.!. You can give your interviewees "pseudonyms" if you like, based on their Gender!.!.

instead just ask for gender, YEAR of birth, and MAYBE a generalized description of where they lived (Deep south, midwest, northwest, west, etc etc)Www@QuestionHome@Com