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Position:Home>History> History? lalala?

Question: History!? lalala!?
Okay so in the middle ages!.!.

Was the Black death after that or like in the late middle or actually early!.!.!.
then was it the Enlightenment then Renaissance!?

help if ya want xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After what!?

The Black Death swept over Europe in 1348 and 1349!. The Renaissance had already just begun in Italy, but it did not reach the rest of Europe until the next century or even the beginning of the next (c1500)!. (It moved northward rather like the receding of the polar ice cap!.) The Black Death was actually a major contributing factor in the end of the Middle Ages--it raised the value of labor and put serfs in a position to bargain for more rights and a better standard of living, and it weakened the hold of the Church over many aspects of life!. (Many clergy lost the respect of their congregations by fleeing from communities struck by the Plague, and others, who stayed to minister to their people, caught it and died, and the people realized that life didn't come to an end because they had no priest!.)

The Renaissance immediately followed the Middle Ages, and the Enlightenment followed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the black plague was an epidemic that occurred in Asia and Europe in the 14th century!. 1300s!. the Renaissance came after!. it was a revival of the human spirit!. starting in the 14th century in Italy lasting into the 17th century!. also saw the beginnings of modern science!. the enlightenment came about in the 18th century it was a movement that emphasized rationalism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com