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Position:Home>History> A question about Libyan history with Italy (I just need confirmation and a coupl

Question: A question about Libyan history with Italy (I just need confirmation and a couple quick questions!?) Please!?
Okay so I'm doing this history project on Libya and I have done a bunch of research but I'm a little lost and need a bit of help!. Firstly with the treaty of Lausanne in 1912 what exactly were the conditions, from what iI understand Italy was given the Turkish provinces of Tripolitana and Cyrenaica, was there any thing else!?!? NEXT what happened after I know there was still resistance in Libya but what about when Italy killed Omar Al-Moktar what happened after I can only find that Italy controlled libya for another 10 or so years, until Libya became under the Allies!. How were the people treated in Libya during this and what was the control over the people like!.

Tell me if what I have is correct and please help me fill in the blanks I really am trying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Here you have dates:
The Britannica give a full explanation but you neee to register

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At the end of the 19th century, when most of Africa was already firmly in the hands of Europe’s most powerful colonial players, Libya remained one of the last “treasures” on the African continent!. In his book “Libya and the United States,” Ronald Bruce St John takes a close look at the origins of Libya’s relationship with the West — especially the country’s painful experience under Italian rule!.