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Question: Questions about D-Day!?
what exactly happened in D-day!? what does the breaching of the atlantic wall have to do with it!? what major countries were involved in d-day!?

serious answers are very much appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-what exactly happened in D-day!?
Allies forces invade Normany France, its also the biggest gamble in history since Eisenhower gamble with the weather for the invasion which could lead to the lives of 100,000 troops!. It was also the longest route to France!.

-what does the breaching of the Atlantic wall have to do with it!?
The Atlantic Wall was Hitlers defense from an amphibious invasion!. Most of the defense force at Normany move north because of Patton's "paper army" which trick them thinking the allies move attack at the Strait of Dover!.

-what major countries were involved in d-day!? US, UK, and CanadaWww@QuestionHome@Com

While I am not a fan of wikipedia, since you are looking for an overview and basic knowledge its a great place for you to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whats so significant about dday is that the united states and britian opened a 2nd front in the war which eased stressWww@QuestionHome@Com