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Position:Home>History> Who takes presidency once everyone in the house of represenatives die.?

Question: Who takes presidency once everyone in the house of represenatives die!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ohohohohohohoh this is a trick question isn't it because you didn't say the president died so the president would still be in charge!. But if it isn't a trick question i think it would go to the highest ranking military officer either that or they'd hold a real quick election for a new president!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The odds of all 435 congressman dying at once seems astronomical!. However, there was some speculation that United flight 93 was aimed at the U!.S!. Capitol Building!.

While the Constitution's 17th Amendment gives state governors the power to immediately appoint replacement Senators, there is currently no mechanism in place to quickly replace members of the House of Representatives!.

After the 9-11 attacks, some congressmen began lobbying for a new constitutional amendment similar to the 17th, allowing the governors to appoint replacement members of the House of Representatives should large numbers of vacancies exist following a terrorist attack!.

Rep!. James Sensenbrenner, Jr!. (R-Wisconsin, 5th) introduced legislation designed to mass-replace representatives through special elections!. His Continuity in Representation Act would provide for the expedited special election of new representatives to fill seats left vacant when the Speaker of the House announces there are more than 100 vacancies in the representation from the States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The line of succession goes this way!.!.
Vice President
Speaker of the House
President Pro Tem of the Senate
Secretary of State
Sect!. of the Treaury
Sect!. of Defense
Attorney General of the United Sates
Sect!. of Interior
Sect!. of Agriculture
Sect!. of Commerce
Sect!. of Labor
Sect!. of Health and Human Serices
Sect!. of Housing and Urban Development
Sect!. of Transportation
Sect!. of Education
Sect!. of Energy
Sect of Veterans Affairs
This is from the "Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (Amended)"
House Resolution 2319, presented by Congress in June 2003 added the Sect!. of Homeland Security in the succession right behind the Attorney General!. It wants to make a few other changes, but as yet has not been enacted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is a guess and only a guess so take it as such: I would say the Joint Chiefs, then the rest of the armed services by rank and seniority!. down to buck private!. then it's the postal service ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The military, high ranking generals, if they were all dead!.!. Utter chaos!.!. Anarchy!. Leaderless militia groups running riot fighting rivals for controlWww@QuestionHome@Com