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Position:Home>History> Questions about John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry?

Question: Questions about John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry!?
Before asking I shall note that you must present your question with a legitimate source, or else it wont be accepted!.

1)What can you tell me about John Brown as a leader!?

2)What can you tell me about John Brown's actions as an abolitionist (person who is against slavery)!?

3)What can you tell me about SLAVE REVOLTS that are related to this topic!?

4)How is this topic related to the conflict between the North and the South!?

Background info:

I have to do a reseach paper presentation tomorrrow (5 paragraphs minimum) and I have nuthin (so to speak)

Whatever I get in this paper, will be my grade for the whole quarter!!!

I beg for any help!!! Please!!!

***this question is posted in two catergoriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Things you need to read:
Howard Zinn's "A People's History", chapter 9 'Slavery Without Submission, Emancipation Without Freedom'!. (May be online)

Eric Foner "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men", hit the index and read the chapters around the John Brown refrences

James McPherson "Ordeal by Fire" (again hit the index)!.

Between these three books you should have a good idea of how to answer all four of your questions (and have good sources to cite)!. All should be available at your public library!. While at the library you should get on jstor!.org and look for articles on John Brown!.

If you can't get to the library here are some online sources (obtained by using the google search engine with the terms "john brown" (in qoutes) and raid!. There are some nice primary sources that should make your teacher happy!.

While I have not answered your question directly, my answer would be a summation of the sources I provided and not be very helpful to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com