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Position:Home>History> Why doesn't Anne Boleyn flee to Europe?"?

Question: Why doesn't Anne Boleyn flee to Europe!?"!?
She must have known what Henry VIII was capable of, he condemned Thomas More, Why doesn't she escape while there was still time!? Join a Nunnery in France or go to the court of a neutral country!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think she expected to be arrested by Henry until it actually happened!. if she had known she was going to be arrested, then she might have fled, but it probably didn't occur to her!. She was Henry's wife and the mother of his daughter, and she was probably still hopeful of being able to produce a male heir!. it would not have occured to her that Henry planned to get rid of her so abruptly!. She was aware of his interest in Jane Seymour, but may not have realised that he planned to make Jane wife no!.3

also, there is the difficulty of where she could flee to!. Most countries would be unlikely to give her refuge against henry, unless they planned on starting a war with him!. They would not want to incur his wrath!. She might have gone incognito of course, and lived secrety under another name, perhaps as you suggested enter a convent!. But it would have required a lot of forward planning,a nd I doubt it would have occured to her until it was too late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Fall of Anne Boleyn

Anne's enemies at court began to plot against her using the King's attentions to Jane Seymour as the catalyst for action!. Cromwell began to move in action to bring down the Queen!. He persuaded the King to sign a document calling for an investigation that would possibly result in charges of treason!.

On April 30, 1536, Anne's musician and friend for several years, Mark Smeaton, was arrested and probably tortured into making 'revelations' about the Queen!. Next, Sir Henry Norris was arrested and taken to the Tower of London!. Then the Queen's own brother, George Boleyn, Lord Rochford was arrested!.

On May 2, the Queen herself was arrested at Greenwich and was informed of the charges against her: adultery, incest and plotting to murder the King!. She was then taken to the Tower by barge along the same path she had traveled to prepare for her coronation just three years earlier!. In fact, she was lodged in the same rooms she had held on that occasion!.

On Monday the 15th, the Queen and her brother were put on trial at the Great Hall of the Tower of London!. It is estimated that some 2000 people attended!. Anne conducted herself in a calm and dignified manner, denying all the charges against her!. Her brother was tried next, with his own wife testifying against him (she got her due later in the scandal of Kathryn Howard)!. Even though the evidence against them was scant, they were both found guilty, with the sentence being read by their uncle, Thomas Howard , the Duke of Norfolk!. They were to be either burnt at the stake (which was the punishment for incest) or beheaded, at the discretion of the King!.

When would she have been able to flee, Mark Smeaton was arrested on April 30 and she was arrested and imprisoned 2 days later!.



Anne was very manipulative!. She managed to pull off the ultimate coupe of getting Henry to marry her!. He had many mistresses, so one of her main ways of manipulating him was not to sleep with him until they were married!.

I think she believed that she could give him a son until it was too late!. Fleeing was no longer an option!.

One could ask the same question about Katherine Howard!. Why didn't she leave, or better yet why did she marry him!? He was old and fat by this date and had running sores!. Likewise, why did Henry have to kill her!? His lineage was secure (or so he thought)!. She was his fourth wife!. It seems like he just wanted revenge!. Katherine Howard probably was sleeping around!. Anne Boleyn probably was not sleeping around, it was just a convenient excuse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com