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Position:Home>History> Was he Verica in Southern England?

Question: Was he Verica in Southern England!?
Some years ago a treasure seeker detected some metal on one of our local landmarks!. It was on a hill generally called 'Sugarloaf Hill',and he dug up a silver coin!. On one side was a head of a man and on the other side~a galloping horse!. Could the man's head represent 'Verica'~a Romano/British ruler made in charge of the Britons in Southern England!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are several numismatic (coin) sites on the web which illustrate known coins of Verica!. They feature a mounted man, a vine leaf, an abstract star design, a bird, a male wearing a Roman toga and a "butting" bull!. For an example see:

None of the designs are as you describe, but coins with heads on one side and a stylised horse on the other were extremely common among the pre-Roman Celts!. Your coin could have been minted just before or just after the Roman invasion, but it is not likely to be a coin of Verica as it does not follow any known pattern!.

If there is any lettering on the coin, this is often a shortened version of the king's name!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds more like the silver stater of Amminus of the Cantii mentioned at the site below!. On further research it's not, I found a picture of that one: http://cka!.moon-demon!.co!.uk/KAR036/KAR03!.!.!.

Here's one of Eppillus: http://www!.coinarchives!.com/a/lotviewer!.!.!.!.


I would not mess with King Verica or his coin!. He was King of the Atrebates - one of the most powerful Celtic Kings of Breten!.

My advice to you is to rebury Verica's coin in exactly the same place where you found it!.

Verica was a British client King of 1st C AD - Verica and his people would have been Romanised Britons prior to the Roman (Claudian) Invasion of 43 D!.

Verica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Verica (early 1st century AD) was a British client king of the Atrebates and thus of the Roman Empire in the years preceding the Claudian invasion of 43 AD!. !.!.!.

Book review!.!.!.!.!.!.The Heirs of King Verica!.
His main character, known only through Roman sources and his Roman-style coinage, is Verica, king of the Atrebates and client king of Rome!. !.!.!.

Seem that Verica got kicked out of his Kingdom!. He then apealed to Rome who put him back in charge etc!.

Verica (British ruler)!. Encyclop?dia Britannica : Related Articles !.!.!. Verica had been driven from his kingdom and appealed for help, and it may have been !.!.!.

Atrebates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gaulish Atrebates lived in or around modern Artois in northern France!. Their capital, Nemetocenna, is now the city of Arras!. !.!.!.
http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Atrebates - Cached

Romans in Britain - The Atrebates tribe
Information on the Atrebates tribe!. !.!.!. Indeed when the Romans took Gaul, the Atrebates saw this as a chance for more trade and so increased their output of !.!.!.
http://www!.romans-in-britain!.org!.uk/clb_!.!.!. - Cached

Strong connections with Atrebates of N!.W!. Gaul!. Fully Belgic state!. !.!.!. AD10), have few coins appear in the old Atrebates homelands and are noticeably !.!.!.
http://www!.roman-britain!.org/tribes/atre!.!.!. - Cached

Atrebates (people) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Atrebates (people)!. Encyclop?dia Britannica : Related Articles !.!.!. Of Gallo-Roman origin, it was the chief town (Nemetacum or Nemetocenna) of the Atrebates, !.!.!.

The Atrebates were among the most powerful Celtic British tribes in pre-Roman Britain!.
http://www!.britainexpress!.com/History/pr!.!.!. - Cached

Kingdoms of British Celts - Atrebates
Due to their location in Britain, the Atrebates were one of the more successful
and civilised Celtic tribes!. They traded with the tribes in Europe right up !.!.!.

Caratacus was inclined or encouraged to recapture the lands previously taken by his uncle Epaticcus, and subsequently regained by king Verica of the !.!.!.

It's only when you start reading about our warlike Celtic British ancestors, that you begin to understand why we are such a warlike barbarian mob even today!.

Nothing changes then except the date!. !. !. !.apparently!.

Here are the Celts of Padstow in Kernow enjoying a May Day festival as they have done since the dawn of time!. According to research by an Oxford University team, people such as those in this video clip and more in Wales, have an ancestry here in Britain going back 15,000 years - blimey!

Padstow Obby Oss - 2006

Here's a Celtic song - The Gorsedd Prayer

The old Gentleman speaking at the end is the Arch Druid of the Island of Britain (Breten)!. !. !. !.The Language is modern Welsh from the 6th C AD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com