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Position:Home>History> Did the Saxons and Normans invade Britain for the same reasons ???

Question: Did the Saxons and Normans invade Britain for the same reasons !?!?!?
Did the Saxons and Normans invade Britain for the same reasons !?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Frisians and other north German tribes who migrated to England in the 5th century after the Roman Empire collapsed were under pressure from other groups further east, particularly from the Slavs and Sarmatians!. They were a growing population who needed more farming land - the Anglo-Saxons were predominantly farmers and agriculturalists!.They came looking for fields and pastures, but were able to fight in order to obtain them!.

Around 600 years later the Normans were looking for something different!. They were originally Norsemen who had been raiding the north coast of France and had been given a large slice of land for a settlement (this became Normandy)!. But technically they were subjects of the French king, which rankled their Dukes from Rollo onwards!.

William, wishing to expand his power and acquire a kingdom, seized the opportunity after the death of Edward the Confessor, becoming King of England in 1066 - Normandy thereafter became a province of England rather than of France!. So the reason for the Norman invasion was purely political rather than agricultural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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