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Position:Home>History> Please Answer? History/Government questions....?

Question: Please Answer!? History/Government questions!.!.!.!.!?
first of all thanks for answering everyone!!

These questions are based on the First Amendment!.

1!.) What amendment to the Constitution was involved!?

2)!. If a state law or state constitutional provision was allegedly involved, what was it!?

3)!. What is the issue, or what are the issues, in this case!?

4)!. What did the Supreme Court decide!? Why did the Supreme Court decide as it did!?

5)!. If a particular clause of an amendment was involved, what was it!?

thank you so much :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't have enough info!. It appears to me the question is about a particular court a case involving the First Amendment!. As there were a lot of these the question cannot be answered !. I would suggest you look in your textbook, or wherever you got the question, than type that particular court case into google!. Sorry can't help--you just don't have enough info to answer it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com