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Position:Home>History> What do it mean when we say "HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL CONTENT?"?

Question: What do it mean when we say "HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL CONTENT!?"!?
Historical I am guessing is basically history!. Like the past!.
What would social be!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is an element of overlap but:

Historical: the past
Political: Say, how the government is administrated, by whom, which offices, who were powerful figures, policies at the time etc!. voting rights!.
Social: The position of women in society, state of medicine at the time, whether there were any classes in society - who was the biggest class etc!., social issues: disease, taxes, land-ownning, caste system, working conditions!. Often ties in with economic and political!.
Economic: trading nations and so on, rich, poor economies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com