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Position:Home>History> I need some help on history please?

Question: I need some help on history please!?
1!. the spreading of nuclear weapons is called ______!.

2!. the ______ was winston chrchill's name for the division of europe!.

3!. in 1984, _______ became the young energetic of the soviet union that wanted to pursue new policies!.

4!. _____ is the use of voilence to force social or political change!.

5!. after us troops left ______ in 1973, it was overrun by the communist in 1975!.

6!. when people place a high value on thier possessions it is called______!.

7!. the iranian hostage crisis helped to lead to the defeat of president ________ for reelection!.

8!. the us plan to stop the spread of communism after world war 2 was known as ________!.

9!. the first unamed space satellite launched by the sovits in 1957 was ________!.

10!. the new policy of oppenness allowing dissent in the ussr was called _____!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. proliferation
2!. Iron curtain
3!. Gorbachev
4!. revolution
5!. Vietnam
6!. materialism
7!. Jimmy Carter
8!. containment
9!. sputnik
10 glasnostWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. nuclear proliferation
3 Putin
4!. Vietnam
6!. materialistic
7!.Ford!?!? dont know for sure
9!. sputnickWww@QuestionHome@Com

5!. Vietnam
7!. Carter
9!. SputnikWww@QuestionHome@Com