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Position:Home>History> How did Enlightenment ideas of American thinkers shape today's modern democr

Question: How did Enlightenment ideas of American thinkers shape today's modern democracy!?
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There are a few ways you can get into this question!. The Bill of Rights is probably a good place to start, as much if what was written there was based on Enlightenment thought!. also, something like The Federalist Papers or anything by Thomas Paine!. (This is all specific to the US, as other countries had their own Enlightenment ideas, some much earlier!.) I would use an example like secularism, or the strict separation of Church and State, something that could be considered unique to America at the time!. The First Amendment lays out the separation of Church and State when it says "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof!." (I did that from memory so it might not be exact!. Look it up!.) So secularism has been a part of American life and politics since the beginning, at least on paper if not always in practice!. Now I think any people would say some level of secularism is necessary to modern democracy!. That's only one example!. Have a look at the Bill of Rights for more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com