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Position:Home>History> British Clothing late 1800's?

Question: British Clothing late 1800's!?
I need information about what was the period dress in England around the late 1800's, early 1900's!. What was in, how were dresses styled/made, what fabric was fashionable (ie velvet, silk, chiffon, etc) what would high society have worn!? How low were necklines, how wide were skirts, how long were sleeves!? etc!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try googling for some websites on Victorian (late Victorian) and/or Edwardian fashion!. There are lots of costuming people who take an interest in period clothing!.

The wealthy would probably still have their clothes made by a tailor or dressmaker, but for less well-off people, there was much more manufacturing going on!.

Velvet was a luxury fabric, as was silk!. Fine lace would be used for decoration on some items!.

Necklines would vary depending on what type of outfit it was!. An upper class lady, for example, if she were attending a country party, would have morning dresses (maybe suits) of a heavier fabric, possibly velvet or maybe fine quality wool!. Then she would change into 'tweeds' later (the men would wear tweeds while hunting), then into a tea dress and then finally into a dress for dinner!.

The hourglass shape was incredibly desirable during the Edwardian period and women would do just about anything to achieve that!. Skirts were still long, tight at the waist and bell-shaped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com