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Question: Who is Uncle Sam!?
You know, the guy from America who wears a top hat and appears everywhere!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Simple answer -- made up name, based on the initials of United States in the early 19th century!. Most likely NOT after a real person like "Uncle Sam Wilson"

You will often hear the "Uncle Sam" Wilson explanation!. And elements of it are certainly true (the man in question DID exist and did fill government meat contracts during the War of 1812)!.!.!.

BUT, an article from "the Straight Dope" --excerpted below-- points out several pieces of evidence that make it quite unlikely!. The lack of evidence of a connection AT THE TIME (during the War) and the fact that sources CLOSEST to Sam Wilson did NOT mentions (but gave other explanations) are the most significant problems!.

I'd also underline the fact that the newspapers in question OPPOSED the war and earliest to use this term may have used it to MOCK!.!.!. again, all undercutting the likelihood of a Sam Wilson connection!.

The basic answer that it started as a JOKING reference to the country's initials -- the sort of thing that is easy to understand, and has happened in other cases-- is likely true!. But the connection with Sam Wilson is doubtful!.


Here are the problems:

"For one thing, the Uncle Sam = Sam Wilson story didn't see print until 30 years after the event, which seems suspiciously tardy!.

"Second, the notion that someone in 1812 would have to ask what "U!.S!." stood for is hard to swallow--the available evidence shows that the initials were then in common use!.

"Third, there's something odd about the newspaper evidence!. Sam Wilson was a leading citizen of Troy, New York!. Yet none of the newspapers in his hometown seem to have had any knowledge of his connection to Uncle Sam until very late in the day!. The 1813 reference in the Troy Post says nothing about Wilson, noting merely that "the letters U!.S!. on the government waggons, &c are supposed to have given rise to [Uncle Sam]!."

"In 1816 the Post reprinted a story from Philadelphia claiming that Uncle Sam originated in the initials USLD, meaning United States Light Dragoons, a regiment of which had been formed in 1807!. The account said that on being asked what the USLD on their caps stood for, the soldiers said "Uncle Sam's Lazy Dogs!." In 1817 the Post took up the matter again, this time reverting to the original explanation that Uncle Sam was simply a jocular expansion of the letters U!.S!.

"When Sam Wilson died in 1854, none of the newspaper obituaries by Troy writers mentioned the Uncle Sam connection!. Significantly, however, two obituaries reprinted from Albany newspapers did talk about Uncle Sam!. This suggests that the legend was concocted by out-of-towners with no firsthand knowledge of the facts!.

"So where did Uncle Sam originate!? Nobody knows for sure, but it's likely the original explanation in the Troy Post was correct: there was never an actual Uncle Sam; instead the name was just a wiseguy expansion of the initials U!.S!.

"It's worth noting that all the early references to Uncle Sam appeared in "peace" newspapers--that is, papers opposed to the War of 1812--and in every case the usage was derisive!. This suggests Uncle Sam was dreamed up by critics of the government who simply wanted to personify the object of their scorn!."


After WW1, the relief supplies that were sent to Europe and Asia, were clearly marked "Gift of U!.S!." and, since the people didn't know who or what U!.S!. was, they filled in the blanks with "Uncle Sam"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Initials of a meat inspector on cases of food being shipped to U!.S!. army for war of 1812 out of Troy New York!. Try this site!. http://www!.kshs!.org/cool2/unclesam!.htmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Uncle Sam is a slang that meant to say the Government of the United State of America!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one really!. Just a figure of speech or fictional!. Uncle Sam stands for the "U!.S"just a nickname!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Samuel Wilson!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com