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Position:Home>History> What were their second names?

Question: What were their second names!?
William the Conquerer~~King Richard 1st~~King John~~Richard 3rd~~Edward the confessor!.

What were their second names!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
None of them had second/middle or last names, as we do today!.
William the Conqueror was also known as William of Normandy!.
Richard the Lion-Hearted was well-known for his bravery!.
King John - aka John Lackland, because he did not own any land, when he was "acting king" for his brother King Richard the Lion-Hearted!.

The last names in some Scandinavian countries were relevant to the persons father!. Eric the son of Johannes (John), would be interpreted as Eric Johannesson or Johnson!.
Margaretha the daughter of Eric, would be interpreted as Margaret Ericsdotter!.
In other countries people were referred to in association with his/her father; e!.g!. Sean Ap Llewellyn denotes the man was the son of Llewellyn!.
Some occupations gave people their last names!.
William le Mareschall - William Marshall (he was a real person, in Medievil England!. He actually had the opportunity to kill Richard the Lion-Hearted in battle, but chose to kill Richard's horse instead!.), John the Cooper (a barrel maker) - John Cooper, William the Tanner (processed animal hides for the leather) - William Tanner, Geoffrey the Blacksmith - Geoffrey Black or Geoffrey Smith, Phillip the Stonecutter - Phillip Stone!.
Other last names denoted the persons birth place, city/town, county or country!. Wallace of London, England - Wallace London or Wallace England!.
Each culture developed it's own unique way of naming each person, which has evolved thru the ages!.

William the Conqueror was born in Falaise, Normandy, and he was of Viking descent, not English!. His father was Robert (le Diable), Duke of Normandy (in today's France), therefore he was not an English born Prince!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most of the royalty didn't have official last names!. They had the names of the land they were ruling over!.

So William the conquerer would have been born Prince William of England - or Prince William Robertson as he was the son of King Robert!.

While he was duke of Normandy, he was the second duke named William over Normandy - thus his name was Duke/Prince William II of Normandy!. When he became King of England, his name was legally changed to King William I of England because he was the first King William over England!.

The same laws applied to all nobility as well!. Official "last names" applied only to peasants - the cooks and the smiths and the bakers - and wasn't common until much later!. The Scottish, whose last names became the name of their clan, were the first to use "last" or "second" names!.

And the Spanish were the first to apply middle names, as they would give their children a name to define them, and then a Saint's name!. Thus there were many Anna Maria's or Sophia Catarina's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Williamthe Conqueror or William the Bastard was of the Norman family!.
Richard 1, and John were Plantagenets and brothers
Richard III was of the house of York
Edward the Confessor was a Saxon King

hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Probably Smith or Jones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

