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Position:Home>History> Who was the native american woman who took part in lewis and clark's expedit

Question: Who was the native american woman who took part in lewis and clark's expedition !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Her real (Shoshone) name is unrecorded, but she was captured as a young child and eventually traded to the Hidatsas who called her "Bird Woman" which is something like Tsakakawias or Tsakakamia in Hidatsa - see an English to Hidatsa word list at http://fbcc-lsweb!.fbcc!.bia!.edu/FortBerth!.!.!. This has been corrupted in English to Sakakawea or Sakagawea, even Sakajawea (the least accurate since Hidatsa has no "j" sound)!.
She was in company with a trapper named Charbonneau, who had apparently bought or married her, when Lewis and Clark were seeking men to go on the expedition!. She was pregnant, but was allowed to go along with Charbonneau - perhaps the most fortuitous coincidence of the entire expedition, for two reasons:

- She turned out to be daughter of a prominent Shoshone chief, which helped to gain the trust and co-operation of that tribe!.

- Having a woman along meant that the expedition could not be mistaken for a war party, again easing tensions between the explorers and the many native groups they encountered all the way to the Pacific!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At age sixteen, Sacajawea is married, a mother, and has been taken from her Shoshone people!. She has been asked to join Lewis and Clark in their expedition to explore the land from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sacajawea, a Shoshone Native American, was the only woman to accompany Lewis and Clark!. After Sacajawea died, Clark legally adopted Sacajawea's two children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


She was on the one dollar coin for a while after Susan B!. Anthony "fell out of favor" with the feminists!. (someone actually read Susan's writings and found that she disagreed with one of the main beliefs of the N!.O!.W!. gang, so they got a replacement for her on the dollar coin)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sacajawea, which means "little swan girl"

She's on one of the dollar coins if you'd like to see what the Federal Government thinks she may have looked like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

