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Position:Home>History> What was life like for new zealand (maori's) before thebritish colonised it?

Question: What was life like for new zealand (maori's) before thebritish colonised it!?
their religon, clothing, culture, food, transport etc!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
they just lived life by their own ways
culture was pretty much the same as it is now, they have adapted to some british ways but mostly kept to their original beliefs and ways
religion, their religion is how they made it!. the eurpoeans have surely had some effect on it, but they still have many of their original strong beliefs in what they do!.
food-natural food that they grew from their land, along with animals that they brought into nz and native!.
the fought among themselves and opposing tribes!.
transport-waka (canoe)
that is how they were believed to have come to nz, from hawaiki

the british have definetly changed nz alot with the treaty of waitangi and war of the north, etc!.
there are still many rivalries between maori and pakeha(white ppl) for that fact!.
but that is not to say that maori ways ahve been changed completely!.

check out search sites such as 'wikipedia' to find out more!.

hope this helps!
btw u would have been better off putting this question under a more suitable topic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com