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Position:Home>History> What would your reactions be if you lived near a concentration camp in WWII?

Question: What would your reactions be if you lived near a concentration camp in WWII!?
just tell your thoughts and what you would doWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm with Randall!.
One thing the Nazis did was place them way out in the Country - away from towns and villages - to cut down on the people "knowing" about them!.
Of course they knew - but were too afraid or believed the World would be a better place with a few less Jews!.

The smell of a burning human corpse is unique and unforgettable!. Seeing as most of these folks had been in a shooting war for years would lead one to believe they would recognize the odor!. After accounts confirm they knew what it was!.
also, yeah, they saw the trains going in filled to the brim with people screaming, moaning and dying en route!.
The trains left these places empty, hence, the people were left there for whatever purpose!.
Again, after accounts confirm the people knew but were afraid to say anything!.
Go to www!.ushmm!.org or yadvashem!.org!. The Spielberg Foundation has a lot of info too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, you wouldn't know what the camp was or what was going on there unless you were employed there!. Not many locals were!.

You'd see the box cars going through the countryside and you'd smell the smoke of the ovens, but you wouldn't actually see anyone from the camps unless they were a guard or (occasionally) someone who escaped!.

Escapees would tell tales, but how much they were believed depended on the individual!. How much help they got depended on the individual!. I suspect escapees avoided the locals if they could for fear they'd be turned in!. The few locals who helped them and got away with it probably didn't repeat much of what they learned for fear they'd be collected!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of people were brainwashed into believing the lies of the Nazis!. Plus there was a lot of fear among the people!. There were a lot of others who just did not want to know what was going on!. Then there were the brave few that took matters in their own hands and helped with hiding people and getting them out of the country!. As about what I would do personally, I would be in one!.


Who knows, it depends on how much of the situation I saw!. Hitler and the rest of the government believed in the extermination!. So I would probably believe them for a while until I found out about the brutality!. I pretty much trust my government enough so that I feel what they are doing is a least a BIT right!. Back then though, dang I dont know!. It would be a hard situationWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would be sickened and disgusted, also probably frightened that my children or other family members would be placed in one!. Don't know for sure about what I could do, but I hope that I would try to ease their suffering in some way!. Maybe knock off a few Nazis when possible, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com