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Position:Home>History> What were some of the events of 'Racial Profiling' during WWII in the US

Question: What were some of the events of 'Racial Profiling' during WWII in the US!?
Please be as specific as possible!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a little know fact that America set up concentration camps here to detain Japanese, German, Italian, Latino and American Nazi sympathisers!. These camps were/are a horrid sess pool of disease and malnutrition!. They still exist and are even being renovated for use for detainment and forced labour today! We cannot so negatively judge Hitler, America was NO BETTER! Here are the facts!.


Japanese think Americans were stupid gorillas!. They didn't develop in anti sub warfare because they think American don't have the stamina to be in one!. They didn't protect their communication well because i think Americans were too stupid to break codes!. Well guess what!? US sub sunk many Japanese cargo/oil ships, sunk many of their important carriers and our code breakers help lead to the Japanese defeat at Midway and many other battles!.

US think Japanese were cockroaches!. The typical Asian stereotype, small eyes!. That was what the conclusion US defense department came up with when inspecting the defense at Pearl Harbor was that the only way they can attack was by carriers and the Japanese people lack the perspective to take off and land from a carrier!. LOL guess we were wrong!.

FDR even said to his staff that they should castrate the entire German male population so they wont start another world war!.

EDIT: Sagebutterfly, US did set up concentration camps but theyre call internment camp!. Some of those sites arent even back by much info, just anti american bull!. Anyway, they werent death camp, i bet less than 50 people die, we werent forcing them to do and work, they werent being strave it was just a fence up community, to keep japanese away from the coast!. The government supplied them, they have schools, their own mini-businese, solfball team, etc!. I adimt what the US did was wrong, this is the second most violation of human rights in US history after slavery but calling it a death camp just piss me off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Japanese internment camps - US discriminated against Japanese citizens!. also there were lots of posters and propaganda-like stuff depicting the Japanese as monkeys and inhuman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com