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Position:Home>History> Can someone please tell me about Stonehedge and the Great Pyramid?

Question: Can someone please tell me about Stonehedge and the Great Pyramid!?
also, what do they tell you about the people who made them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stonehenge, built by neolithic peoples in prehistoric England!. Proved that "primitive" people were capable of charting celestial bodies (moon,Sun) and had the tech capability to move shape and place large pieces of stone precisely!.
The great Pyramids are indications of advanced civilizations capable of the same things and able to sustain a large population!.
Druidism came much later than the time period of the construction of Stonehenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stonehenge -Salisbury Plain, England - no one necessarily knows who built it, but they think from carbon dating the sandstone like stones, that it was made around the same time as the pyramids by a group called the druids!. no one is sure what they used it for, but it's believed to be a worship center for their people!.

that's all i got!. i know about the pyramids, but not much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both the Pyramids and the Stonehedge are mysteries!. No one knows who built them!. Although, both structures tell us that who ever built them observed the sky a lot!. They both highlight major parts of the year, including solstices and equinoxes, thats all i know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com