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Question: Israel relationship and the press!?
I want to know the relationship of israel and the press which is very badWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the press is anti-israeli and pro-arab and pro-un!. the press doesn't report of the thousands of terrorist attacks launched against israel, but demonizes israel for retalitory strikes against terror!.
it is sad and regrettable!.

Additional information
The true identity of the Palestinians

In this study showed the true origin and identity of the Arab people commonly known as "Palestinians", and the many myths fuzzy about them!. This study is absolutely neutral and objective, based solely on historical and archaeological evidence as well as other documents, including Arab sources, and citing statements by authorities and Islamic personalities!.
There are many myths modern-or more accurately, lies-that we hear daily through the media as if they were truths, of course, concealing the truth!. For example, every time you mention the Temple Mount or Jerusalem, emphasized that it is "the third holy place for Muslims," but why does not say that it is never the First Holy of Jews!? Information is obviously part!
The Palestinians are the newest of all peoples on earth, and began to exist in a single day due to some sort of supernatural phenomenon unique in human history, as is testified by Walid Shoebat, a former - PLO terrorist who managed to recognize the lie which was fighting for the truth and who was fighting:

"Why the June 4, 1967 I was a Jordanian and suddenly the other day I changed into a Palestinian!? "
"We will not mattered that there was a Jordanian government!. The teaching that we should achieve the destruction of Israel was defined in our curriculum, but we felt ourselves as Jordanians until the Jews returned to Jerusalem!. Then suddenly, we were all Palestinians - removed the star of the flag of Jordan and at a time when we had the Palestinian flag!. "
"When I finally realized the lies and myths that taught me, it is my duty as an honest person unmasked!."

This statement of a genuine "Palestinian" must have some meaning for a genuinely neutral observer!. In fact, there is no such thing as the Palestinian people, Palestinian or a culture, language or a Palestinian or a Palestinian history!. There was never a Palestinian state, nor has it ever been found or any other archaeological Palestinian currency!. The current "Palestinians" are an Arab people, Arab culture, Arabic language, Arab history!.

"There is no thing called Palestine in history, absolutely not!."
-- Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian, 1946 --

"It is public domain the fact that Palestine is nothing but the southern Syria!."
-- Representative of Saudi Arabia at the United Nations, 1956 --

"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese!. We are all part of the same nation!. It is only for political reasons that underline our Palestinian identity with emphasis !.!.!. yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only for purposes tactical!. The foundation of a Palestinian state is a new weapon to continue the battle against Israel!. "
-- Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO executive and board member of the PLO - now the Palestinian authority millionaire!.

Muslims believe that invent new Islamic country at peace with israel, is believing in ghosts and witches!. NEVER!.
since the second intifada PALLYWOOD won 20!.000!.000!.000 million dollars of aid from around the world!.
I can not express in words, what I express in videos!.

in annapolis conference PALLYWOOD won 7!.400!.000!.000 millons dollars!.
PALLYWOOD dont want peace with israel , want money and destroy him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the press is anti-israeli and pro-arab and pro-un!. the press doesn't report of the thousands of terrorist attacks launched against israel, but demonizes israel for retalitory strikes against terror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Israel has been in under attack by so many people thats all I know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com