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Position:Home>History> John brown was a hero ar criminal? what do you think?

Question: John brown was a hero ar criminal!? what do you think!?
i have to do a essay about jon brown!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
John Brown had a brilliant vision for an america without slavery!. i think its fair to say that he wanted what was best for the black population that had, figuartively speaking, no voice!. however, he was a criminal!. he killed many people with his revolt at harpers ferry, even if his reasoning was justified!. as the saying goes, "two wrongs dont make a right!." though john brown had maybe good intentions, his radical and "crazy" ways of getting what he believed was wrong!. people then could not have possibly taken him seriously!. this is kind of like the modern example of abortion clinic bombers!.!.!.these people have a message that they want people to recognise!. however, the fact that they are willing to sacrifice many more lives with bombings comes to show that they are hypocritical and will not be able to justify their beliefs through this path!. had john brown not killed in order to free slaves, his oppinion may have been heard by others and been seen today as a hero, like abraham lincoln or martin luther king jr!. but the fact that he chose to use violence makes him a likely canidate to be seen as a criminal, even today!. had he gone about this in another fassion, he would be seen with heroismWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do you mean John Brown of Harper's Ferry fame!? I wish I knew the title of the book I read last fall on him!.!.!.check your library!. Does the end justify the means!? That's the question you need to answer for yourself!. Would slavery have stopped without him!? I do not think so!. Was he right to do what he did!? No, but it had to be done, I think, and he chose to be the man to do it!. I'm referring to the violence he did in Kansas!. Are you justified in killing 20 people to save 2,000!? How about to save 6,000!? Lots of complexity in that question you asked!. (The book I read is not listed in the first 15 pages of Amazon, so not a well-reviewed book, I guess!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

He had the right idea, but he was as flaky as they come!. It would be hard to take someone like that serious, despite his great intentions!. Here is some great information to check out!.



John Brown was crazy!. His stance against slavery was admirable, but he was a violent fanatic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John Brown started with good intentions like most fanatics his methods for achieving his goals went too far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com