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Position:Home>History> What were some taboos for women during the great depression?

Question: What were some taboos for women during the great depression!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the Great Depression in the USA (roughly 1929-1939 or some people say the start of the second world war in 1941), a married woman was not supposed to work!.

The idea was that there was not enough work for men, and the man was "supposed" to be the bread winner, so, the taboo was that the married woman should not work!.

Because so many men left their families (often, because they couldn't support them and were ashamed), one of the taboos that began to break-down was the taboo against divorce!.

Another social event that might be thought of as a taboo was that many more Mothers were considered "unfit", because they couldn't provide their families with food, clothing and shelter!. There was a great increase in the quantity of children taken away from their parents (especially single Mothers) and put up for adoption!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com