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Question: Did Napolean love Betsy!?
Who is Betsy!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Betsy was a child on St!.Helena, where Napoleon was imprisoned during the last years of his life!. She recalled that Napoleon had enjoyed playing games with her and her siblings!. There is no evidence that I know of that they had an affair, and as she was only thirteen at the time it seems not only improbably but rather revolting!.

There were a numbe of women in Napoleon's life on St!. Helena, there was a Madame Bertrand, a Madame de Montholon, who had a child who was acknowledged by Napoleon as his, but after she left Saint Helena he does not seem to have felt the need for another mistress!. In 'Napoleon, his wives and women', Christopher Hibbert writes:

'After the departure from St Helena of Mme de Montholon, Napoleon no longer desired a mistress!. Gradually, he became confirmed in an ever-increasing misogyny and lost interest in the gossip which had previously intrigued him!. No longer did he relish hearing about what Andre Pons de 'Herault, manager of elba's iron mines, had called "the salacious details of married lives!."

"I don't like women very much" he confessed "nor games of any kind!. I am, I suppose a purely political animal!." "Bah!" he once exclaimed to Gourgaud "Women! When you don't think of them, you don't need them!."

When did think of women and speak of them he was rarely complimentary!. He told his surgeon, Barry O'Meara, that too many of them were allowed to accompany his armies!. "Women" he said "when they are bad, they are worse than men, and more ready to commit crime!." When degraded they "fall lower" than men!. Women, after all, as he said more than once were "mere machines for making children!."

"Women!" he declared on another occasion!. "They belong to the highest bidder!. Power is what they like!. It is the greatest of aphrodisiacs!. They are fascinated by it!.!.!.!.As for me, I take them and forget them!."

"For every woman who inspires us to do good things" he said one evening, no doubt to rile Mme Montholon Mme Bertrand "there are hundreds who bring us to folly!.!.!.!.Really we westerners do not understand women at all!. We have spoiled everything by treating them far too well!. It was utterly wrong to life women up almost to our own level!. The orientals managed these things much better!. They mantinaed that woman was man's property, and in very truth nature made woman to be the slave of man!." 'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe or maybe it's just she was the only girl on st lucia with him!. don't forget he was delirious from disease!. betsy was an english girl who looked after him, she was only 15 or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com