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Position:Home>History> Where is the"Jacobs Album" located and where is it now(WWII)?

Question: Where is the"Jacobs Album" located and where is it now(WWII)!?
Pictures taken by Hitlers' "infamous" SS while intimidating Jews in the "Ghettos"!.(Warsaw etc!.) It was found on a closet shelf in a bombed out bldg!. in Berlin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would assume you are talking about the Auschwitz Album!. It was donated to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem Israel, by Lily Jacob-Zelmanovic Meier!. Here is a link to read a little more about it!. http://www1!.yadvashem!.org/exhibitions/al!.!.!.

For some reason when reading your question it made me think of the Auschwitz Album!.

What I know as the Jacobs Album was a photo album from a Colonel in Canada!. However it contains photographs of Canada in the 1860’s!. It is in the National Archives of Canada!. Here is a link to that, however I don’t believe it is what you are looking for!.


Hope that was what you were looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com