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Position:Home>History> How do you think the content on television has affected societies personalities

Question: How do you think the content on television has affected societies personalities !.!.!.!?
and/or behavoirs as oppossed to when TV was first invented!?!?!? How has it affected everyone throughout the years!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Theories have been that violence on TV may lead to real aggression in real life!.!.!.

Furthermore, stereotypes on TV might also affect how people act in real life!.!.!.for example, discriminating acts!.!.!.

Something interesting is the portrayal of women throughout time!.!.!.such as the use of sex appeal!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are more fake!.

They fight for no reason!. Before tv people only fought about what really mattered!. Now days people will fight about something just cause people on TV fight about it!.!.!.

TV has created Movie stars, celebrities, and tv stars!. People want to be like these people!.

People are more aware of the world because of news whereas people before TV only knew what was in the newspaper which was usually just normal small down stuff in a small town or war news during wars!.

People are less creative now because they can watch other people be more creative on television!

I don't really know!.!.!. there's a lot of stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that before there was television, people learned how to behave in society based upon their family values!. For instance it was common for women to stay home with the children, fathers worked!. When young men came of age, they got a job, while young women stayed at home until they got married!. While this was not the case in every family, it was true for a lot of families!. If you look at the fashion of those days, young girls dressed like their mother!.
Nowadays there is a general break down of the family, we no longer sit at the dinner together and have a family meal, young women dress like the celebrities (or pseudo celebrities) they see on television shows and reality T!.V!. People think it is okay to behave "over the top" like the people they see on T!.V!. I think this whole phenomenon is better explained here
an article by Chuck KlostermanWww@QuestionHome@Com

There wasn't much on TV in the beginning,now there is so much good , bad and indifferent I only watch 1 show on network TV!. I see the morals on the shows are very low,I have no control over that in there!. I am sorry that more people couldn't experience Radio, It was a family bonding event!.On the other hand, I am glued to the History Channel and marvel at all the wonderful things we have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its tunred society into gossips, back stabbers, rude, naieve, FAT and very disrespectful!.
If u look at the lifestyles before tv families were very structured, very ettiquette, and valued the things we take for granted!. its a shame that tv and media has done this to societies!. its no wonder y there is so much controversy!.

My mate was telling me the other day that he didnt realise how rude n stupid the ppl were back home!. (he just returned from boarding school), and i couldnt agree more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think now people have been more liberal due to the drama on t!.v!. or maybe it's just evolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com