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Question: Some questions on the Titanic!?
I was wondering; just how would a third class passenger have arrived at the Southampton pier on April 10th 1912!? By taxi!? How much would that have cost!?

Any answers would be most helpful!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Third class passengers would almost certainly not have been able to afford a taxi!. They would probably have come on the train from whatever part of England they were travelling from!. And a large number of passengers joined the ship in Queenstown in Ireland, and they too would most probably have come by train if they were coming from different parts of ireland, or perhaps they would get a lift from someone who had a horse and cart,or if they didn't live too far away they would have walked!.

Taxis were generally only for the better-off, who would not be travelling third class anyway!. In 'Pygmalion' by George Bernard Shaw (which was written in 1913, the year after the Titanic went down) the heroine Eliza, a poor girl who is being passed off as lady by Professor Higgings, is asked if she intends to walk home from the tea party she has just attended!. "Walk, not bloody likely, i'm going to take a taxi" she replies proudly, taxis being a luxury not available to her previously!.

Taxis in England at that time were not cheap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Third class would have been the poorest of the passengers !. The ones coming to America to start a new life !. They would have had little money ( using most of it to get the ticket on the ship ) !. So walking to the pier would make the most sense !. A taxi would have been a luxury for many of them !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

walked probably, if they had a bit of money they could take a taxi!. My grandma says it use to be a few cents to take a taxi here in canada, so i think it would roughly be about the same in pounds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com