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Position:Home>History> ***10 Points*** Why did the United States and the Soviet Union support decoloniz

Question: ***10 Points*** Why did the United States and the Soviet Union support decolonization!?
in newly independent countries during the Cold War!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After World War II, the political power shifted from Western Europe to the United States and the Soviet Union (the two superpowers)!. Decolonization ended centuries of the world's domination by a handful of European empires, and further limited the power of "Old World" European states like Britain and France!. It allowed the USSR and USA to impose their influence on new nations in the Third World!.

While Britain, France, and other imperial powers were allies of the United States, Americans had still always been opposed to colonialism!. The U!.S!. wanted to spread democracy, not only to widen it's sphere of influence, but to spread freedom!.

Since the countries of Western Europe were allies of the United States, the Soviets welcomed decolonization because it decreased those countries' political power!. The Soviet Union wanted to widen their sphere of influence as well, to spread communism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, they basically had to!. However, afterwards, the Soviet Union reclaimed some of these independent countries and became associated back into the Russian Federation!. Such a country is Chechenya!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So that they could supplant the influence and economic advantages of the colonial powers with their ownWww@QuestionHome@Com