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Position:Home>History> Why did Malcom X believe in Segeration to gain Freedom?

Question: Why did Malcom X believe in Segeration to gain Freedom!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was because him and others became much more radical and dissolusioned by Martin Luther King's stance on non-violence and integration!. Malcolm X and other radical violent groups such as the Black Panthers believed that change in Black peoples' rights weren't happening quickly enough and that violence and the supremacy of a Black separation and single identity would guarantee their rights!. He believed that Blacks should be superior to Whites rather than MLK's view that both should be equal!. also, look at the Nation of Islam etc!. and what they stood for and how MX took his inspiration from that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he was clueless!

Seriously: the false ideologies he taught are still a problem today, encouraging African-Americans to demand things that do not help them in the least!. Rather, those destructive policies drive the wedge ever deeper between them and the rest of society, firming up their position as a permanent underclass!.

As an example, take a look at how badly 'Reverend' Jeremiah Wright has hurt Obama's chance a the Presidency!. Now that Wright has, following Malcom X and others, blurted out such obvious, bitter racism, lots of swing voters will now refuse to vote for Obama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com