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Position:Home>History> Why did Designer Thomas Andrews stay on the titanic ?disponit?

Question: Why did Designer Thomas Andrews stay on the titanic !?disponit!?
Thomas Andrews i dont understand he dent have to die' it was"nt his fault !.why dent Thomas aboard a life boat !? when i watch the titanic it hurt me so bad to see this man looking so hurt 'and disappoint he could had live it seen so real when i look into this man eyes and i believe the real Thomas Adrews felt the way !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Andrews had little to do with the first task - that was the job of the engineering crew!. They performed heroically, keeping the power on until close to the very end, and all of them were lost!. What Andrews could do was help get people into the boats!. At this point few of the passengers realized how serious the situation was!. It was bitterly cold outside, and few wanted to wear the uncomfortable life jackets or climb into the perilously swaying boats!. If the ship really could stay afloat, and all thought she was unsinkable, it would be better to stay on board than risk getting spilled into the icy Atlantic!. In short, Andrews lived up to his responsibility when Ismay did not!. When the system fails, when all our plans go awry, it takes extraordinary individual effort, and extraordinary self-sacrifice to save what we can!. This is the kind of heroism that Thomas Andrews displayed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He felt guilty because he designed the ship!.Www@QuestionHome@Com