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Position:Home>History> What di the emperor's seat at the colosseum look like?

Question: What di the emperor's seat at the colosseum look like!?
-what colors
-what desing
-what shapeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Which Emperor!.!.!. there were at least TEN emperors during the time the Colosseum was in use!. Besides, there are no pictures of it!.!.!. no videos!.!.!. etc!. The raised stage where it stood is still there!.!.!. it's right across the field from the one occupied by the Vestal Virgins!.!.!. but that's all that is there!.!. just a very old concrete pad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a toiletWww@QuestionHome@Com