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Position:Home>History> How did people keep morale up during wwii in britain?

Question: How did people keep morale up during wwii in britain!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Great and inspiring leadership!. Sir Winston Churchill epitomized the stalwart British Bulldog that never gave up!. His speeches are rightly famous - two of the best known are "We shall fight on the beaches" and "Their finest hour"!. I can't listen to or read these without getting a nostalgic shiver!. And King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the current Queen's mum) tirelessly visited the bombing ruins and the hospitals, never hiding in distant bunkers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morale is something that is very difficult to take away from a population, on a collective scale when talking of an entire group!. This is something that people naturally do on their own as a population!. One thing that probably added to this however, was the fact that G!.B!. had an Army, and a great Navy and Airforce already on the scene fighting the Germans!. Having a military force already out engaging the force that wants to attack you, is something that can be supported and brings a population together!. (Except in the U!.S!.) LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Through some serious attempts at propaganda!. They speeches, the posters, the campaigns, their ability to involve everyone towards one hatred!. By playing upon the 'evilness' of Germany, they were able to stir moral almost immediately!.Www@QuestionHome@Com