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Position:Home>History> In our history we have done our bit for ourseves & the world but.?

Question: In our history we have done our bit for ourseves & the world but!.!?
We fought and defeated Spain, France, and Germany, stood alone and been there first to save Europe from tyrany & played a major part in making the world democratic, all at the cost of millions of our countrymens lives!. All of it to preserve our British way of life!. Can anyone out there tell me why our politicians from all the main party's have allowed us to be invaded from the East by people who never even had to raise a fist!. Will all answerers please know that Iam not a raceist but only a man who has learnt through studying history that cultures can not come together in a very short space of time without civil unrest and unfortunatley people being hurt or even worse killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are these ‘people from the East’ from Poland!? Are you aware of the work carried out by Poles that prepared the Bletchley codebreakers with information about Enigma machines, or information about heavy water production in Peenemünde, or the Polish pilots who flew alongside the RAF in the Battle of Britain or fought alongside British forces throughout the war!. Poles were not the only ‘people from the East’ who also fought against Germany at Britain’s side either, valid contributions were made by many of the nations who joined the EU in 2004 Malta, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia to name a few – yes, this is relatively modern history, but you don't seem to be complaining about invasion from the South or West so it seems most pertinent!.

Could the reason be that Britain remained in the Common Market as the result of a referendum on 6th June 1975, campaigned for by the Conservatives including Margaret Thatcher and as members of the EU are obliged to open borders to other member nations and as influential members of the EU also campaigned for the admittance of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia in 2004!. If you object to this all you have to do is vote against it and if you are a part of the majority (through the British parliamentary system) you might get your wish, however weighing the pros of membership against the cons I doubt it!. Failing to participate in the democratic process, such as it is, for any reason other than being unenfranchised invalidates any hindsight arguments to my mind!.

But breathe a little easier Eastern Europeans are actually finding that living here is harder than life in the East and are returning in large numbers, the Daily Mail and Express will have to find another bugbear to get its readers spluttering in their cornflakes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a sneaking suspicion that if Labour allow thousands of people to settle here and become citizens, then they're basically packing the place with 'their men', i!.e!. people who will vote labour in the next election!.
I know this is just one aspect of it though, and it's importance is impossible to quantify!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry mick but your reading from the wrong history bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have to agree with door u!. kWww@QuestionHome@Com