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Position:Home>History> Why is Hitler remembered as the most evil leader of his time, yet Stalin killed

Question: Why is Hitler remembered as the most evil leader of his time, yet Stalin killed many more people!?
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Stalin killed an enormous number of people because they were, or were percived to be, a threat to the communist regime in russia!. This was a very terrible thing!.

However, Hitler's policy was even worse, his aim being to eliminate anyone who was in any way phisically or mentally imperfect, or anyone who belonged to an 'inferior race' like the jews!. This is an infinitely more frightening policy!. And although it is quite true that Stalin killed more people, IF Hitler had succeeded in his aims, far more people would have been killed by his regime in the long run!. People killed not because they were political opponents, but simply because they existed at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The evil in both men is so immense that even comparisons are not applicable!. Hitler's crimes were commited against a people because of their ethnic and religious characteristics and to Europe in general because of his dream of German supremacy over all!. But his docrine was Nazism that in its nature is selective and exclusive, it is not for all!. You cannot be a Nazi if you are Black or East Asian or Amerindia, or any race that is not "pure" aryan!. Stalin's doctrine was communism that is all embracing, anyone can be a communist regardless of origin, race, religion!. Therefore, although Stalin killed far more persons than Hitler, because they were perceived or suspected of antagonism towards his regime, communists and communists sympathisers abound that will either defend or dismiss his actions because they might have been beneficial for the cause of communism!. There is hardly a reputable journalist that will say anything good about Hitler but apologisers of communism are plenty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose because
a)Stalin was better at concealing his footprints with many Soviet records still not discovered (also due to the fact that the Soviet Union has fallen a lot more recently then the Nazis and there has not been the same amount of time dedicated to uncovering the atrocities he commited)
B) Stalin was part of the allied forces and therefore an ally of America, France and Britain until post 1945 and
c) Perhaps because Stalin was more defensive in his aggression (ie internal purges against those he viewed as traitors more then external) wheras Hitler was most definatly offensive and through WW2 offended the most powerful nations- and therefore those who decide the 'evilest leaders' of today (ie: America and Britain)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it was bc Hitler is thought to be the one who started the war!. I have read an article about some treaties between Hitler and Stalin!. But as we know USSR later joined the winning countries and Germany was defeated!. So this may be the reason - Hitler was the one who started the war and claimed his aims in public while Stalin was I would say cleverer in this aspect bc he joined The USA, GB etc and although the winning countries did not agree so much with Communism, it still seemed more acceptable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because many of those Stalin killed were sent off to Siberia and the rest of the world was unaware for so long just what he had done!. When the Americans and others found the death camps in Germany, photographs of the survivors were sent back home so that others quickly learned of the horrors!. And those who did survive were able to tell their liberators what had happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please note that History is always dictated not written!.!.!.therefore who was winner, he dictated the history!.!.!.stalin was winner therefore it was written all in his praise and hitler was looser, so everyone written things against him!.!.therefore he is the bad guy and stalin is good oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

we had to name people who we thought were the most sadistic and everyone in my class had hitler on the list!.!. only a few had stalin!.!. to be honest i don't even know who he is!.!.

But hell, Hitler tried to wipe out a whole race!.!. That is just crazy!.!.!. Some people just want to be GODWww@QuestionHome@Com

Most likely because Hitler was more of a threat to the world, did his in a shorter time, and nobody knew the full extent of Stalin's killings for years after his death!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because Stalin was one of the winners;and after all
history is always written by the winners;they definitely have no interest in pointing out their
faults and even crimes,which enabled them to win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com