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Position:Home>History> What choices did the Muslims give?

Question: What choices did the Muslims give!?
When conquering a country what choices did the Muslims give Christians and Jews!? What choices did they give all others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Conversion, tax-paying or death!.
For the others it was conversion or death in theory, but in Persia they found it made sense to tolerate Zoroastrians and in India, Hindus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Muslims treated Christians and Jews better then other peoples that they conquered because they are also People of the Book!. That is to say that, because they also believed in the One G-d, Jews and Christians became dhimma in Muslim society!. A dhimmi, or collectively dhimma, are non-Muslims that live in an area governed by sharia law!. The term is an obligation by the state to protect the individuals life, property, and freedom of religion!. The dhimma were required to be loyal to the empire, and to show it by paying a poll tax known as a jizya!. Dhimmi people had less rights and freedoms than Muslims, but more rights than other subjects!. The term dhimmi was later extended to also include Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Mandeans, and, in some areas, Hindus, and Buddhists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those who were not killed in the invasions were told to convert to islam, and if they refused they were beaten and tortured in many different ways that would make water boarding look like a joy ride!. After that if they still refused to convert they were forced to pay special religious taxes not demanded from muslims, and even after paying what amounted to protection money they were still occasionally tortured by their muslim occupiers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on the muslims!. Lately it seems to be a) die, or b) die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anyone with legs to run on
left the area as fast as they could go
or face the swordWww@QuestionHome@Com