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Position:Home>History> Events that happened during 1000-1100 CE (AD)?

Question: Events that happened during 1000-1100 CE (AD)!?
Anywhere around the world, covering any field such as literature, technology, religion, warfare, economy, politics, or social change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1066 AD the Norman conquest of the British Isles (England)!. William of Normandy led a fair sized group of men to England, many were second sons with no inheritance coming others were men for whom there was no future in Normandy, some were lords in search of wealth and power!. There biggest advantage were the large war horses and a lot of luck against King Harold's army fresh from a victory in the northern part of the country!.
This conquest forever changed Society in England, created more or less permanent upper and lower classes, designated Norman French as the language of the lords and rulers!. Vestiges of this still remain today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 1014, the Byzantine Emperor Basil II set the standard for war crimes by trying to put an end to Bulgarian invasions by blinding 15,000 Bulgarian POWs and sending them back to Bulgaria!.

From a narrow viewpoint it worked, since in 1018, he was finally able to annex Bulgaria!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Norman Invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066Www@QuestionHome@Com