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Position:Home>History> Name in your opinion, the top 10 most important people in all of world history?

Question: Name in your opinion, the top 10 most important people in all of world history!?
Who do you think have a tremendous impact in world history!? Not U!.S!., the WORLD!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is very difficult to choose 10,any way in my opinion here is the top rankers!.!.

1!.Jesus Christ-founder of Christianity
2!.Muhammad-Prophet of Islam
3!.Isaac Newton-physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion
4!.Albert Einstein-physicist; relativity; Einsteinian physics
5!.Buddha-founder of Buddhism
6!. a)Michael Faraday-physicist; chemist; discovery of magneto-electricity
b)Alexander Fleming-penicillin; advances in bacteriology, immunology and chemotherapy
7!.Karl Marx-founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism
8!.Thomas Edison-inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc!.
9!.Adolf Hitler-conqueror; led Axis Powers in WWII
10 a)!.James Watt-developed steam engine
b) Alexander Graham Bell-inventor of telephoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

1st Place: God in general (all religion and any historical people associated with it)
2nd Place: Shi Huangdi (Over 2000 years of the idea of having centralized governments)
3rd Place: Julius Caesar (many politicians have claimed his title ex Russian Tsars/German Kaisers/Mussolini)
4th Place: Marco Polo (I'm sure everyone knows about him)
5th Place: Francesco Petrarch (first humanist-basically sparked the renaissance/rebirth)
6th Place: Johann Gutenburg (inventor of the printing press that was first used to mass copy things)
7th Place: Christopher Columbus (most obvious guy in the history books)
8th Place: Karl Marx (his legacy of communism)
9th Place: Mikhail Kalashnikov (the infamous guns AK-47+variants he designed/other people made has killed more people than all of the dictator atrocities combined and has also been a symbol of freedom in some African countries)
10th Place: hitler (Probably known as the most infamous person that has ever lived on the face of the earth)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Jesus!.

2!. Alexander the Great

3!. Johann Gutenberg: the Chinese may have invented printing, but this bloke made it a world phenomenon!.

4!. Genghis Khan!.

5!. Martin Luther!.

6!. Sir Isaac Newton!.

7!. Captain James Cook!. Did more discovery than Columbus ever did, and knew where he was going!.

8!. Albert Einstein!.

9!. Queen Victoria: she was the main progenitor of all the major royal houses of Europe, and her effects on Western culture cannot be underestimated!.

10!. Walter Howard Florey: Co-discoverer of penicillin and credited by Alexander Fleming (the other co-discoverer) for developing penicillin into an effective medicine!.

11, if I could: Jean Antionette Poisson: my sentimental favourite, by largely forgotten!.

Oh, and Edison DID NOT discover the light bulb, despite common belief that this happened!. There were many other devices patented prior to his even starting his work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only get 10!.!.!.

Urban II
Ghengis Khan
Martin Luther

That's my 10!. Tough choices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mohammad, stream of successful roman emperors, leonardo di vinci, karl marx!.!. lemme think about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Muhammad Jesus Columbus Marco Polo Newton Genkhis Khan Napoleon Cesar Alexander EulerWww@QuestionHome@Com