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Position:Home>History> Do any actual photographs exist of President William Henry Harrison?

Question: Do any actual photographs exist of President William Henry Harrison!?
The sixth, seventh and eight U!.S!. Presidents - John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van buren all had their photographs taken after they had left office!. But Harrison died only 30 days after taking office, in 1841!. Photography did exist then!. But I don't think a picture was ever taken of him!. The other three all had their photos taken a few years after Harrison died!. So I'm assuming no actual photos exist!. Can anyone confirm this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first permanent photographic images came about in 1839 with a process using silver on a copper plate called the daguerreotype!. As Harrison died in 1841, it is chronologically possible that a photo could have been taken but highly unlikely!. The process stared in France so was not immediately available in the US!. The earliest photo I have seen of a president in office is of James K!. Polk (1845-49) giving a speech in front of the capitol building!. The earliest president to be photographed was John Quincy Adams, who sat for a daguerreotype many years after leaving office, and near his death in 1848!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You will need a time machine for that ,And take your camera with you
A real camera didnt come around till the 1880s
Their were cameras but the pictures didnt lastWww@QuestionHome@Com

I personally have never seen a photograph of him, and I have also checked online!.!.!.!. dead ends :(Www@QuestionHome@Com