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Position:Home>History> When did France declare war on Germany in WWI?

Question: When did France declare war on Germany in WWI!?
When did France declare war on Germany in WWI!? Does anybody know the exact date!? Somewhere around early August, 1914!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ok Germany NEVER declared war on Britain!. you need to get YOUR facts straight!.


answering your question, France never formally declared war!.
It seemed like a good question to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have clearly no idea of history!.

Russia, France and Britain were allied in the Triple Entente!.

Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were allied in the Triple Alliance!.

The heir to the Austrian throne, Arch duke Franz Ferdinand was shot dead when visiting the annexed Bosnia!.

Austria blamed Serbia, so declared war!. Russia (Serbia's ally) prepared for war to start and Germany (Austria's ally) said if Russia did not stop it would declare war on russia so this is what happened!.

Because of the alliances, Germany declared war on France and Britain on 1st August 1914!.

Before, asking a question again do some research and get your facts straight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com