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Question: Russian Revolution of 1917,!?
briefly tell me what happened!?

no wikipedia and be serious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Patriotism and sentiments toward the Russian Czar Nicholas II soured during the long WWI!. Russia was completely devestated by the war with Germany and were not at all comfortable with the Czarina (queen) Alexandra being German herself!. They were also outraged that, while the Czar's family indulged in and enjoyed fabulous wealth and luxury, the back of the struggling Russian economy dealt in total squallor!.

At the same time, Bolsheviks (a group of Communist military advocates) were leading a violent uprising against the royals!. In March of 1917 (according to the Georgian calendar) they stormed the palace and took the family hostage, forcing Nicholas to abdicate!. They were sent into exile for several months, and then, on July 17th, were taken down into the basement of the house they were confined to, and shot execution style!.

Lenin would come into power, and never again would a Czar lead Russia!.

Many legends carried on that one daughter or son may have survived the massacre, but those theories have been recently dissolved when DNA confirmed that all member of the family were in fact executed and buried in an unnamed forest!.

The bodies were discovered many years later as the resting place of the Czar's family remained a Soviet Secret!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Russian Revolution of 1917 actually involves two seperate revolutions!. The first revolution, in February, overthrew the Russian monarchy!. The second revolution, in October, created the world’s first Communist state!.

The Revolutions involved a series of uprisings by workers and peasants throughout the country and by soldiers, who were predominantly of peasant origin, in the Russian army!. Many of the uprisings were organized and led by democratically elected councils called soviets!. The soviets originated as strike committees and were basically a form of local self-government!. The second revolution led to the rise of the modern Communist movement and to the transformation of the Russian Empire into what became known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)!. The goal of those who carried out the second revolution was the creation of social equality and economic democracy in Russia!. However, the Communist regime that they established eventually turned into a bureaucratic dictatorship, which lasted until 1991!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nicholas II lost the faith and loyalty of his army, which opened the door for the Bolsheviks to overthrow the Czar!. It's known as the Bolshevik Revolution!. The discontent of the peasants, the workers and non-Russian national minorities all came to a head when the Iron Workers staged a protest over higher wages!. That was in February!. Nicholas ordered the army to disperse them, 20,000 strong with Bolshevik agitators in their midst!. The soldiers, some of them, joined the protesters, and army controlled backfired!. On the 1st March, 1917, the Czar abdicated leaving the Provisional Government in control of the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if Russia had more than one revolution then i might be mistaken!. but if im right, then Russia went from the end of Czars and looked to Marxism to reform their government!. in essence they became the model for Communsim!.Www@QuestionHome@Com