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Question: Help on the CIVIL WAR!!?
why did the british and england want to help the south during the civil war but then decided not to!?
i know that abraham did something but what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
>ok i know about the british but what about england what they had to do with this

Erm, oh dear, England is part of Britain, for the purposes of your homework you can use Britain for any date after 1707Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first, the British had a mind to see America weaker by division within as a result of the Southern Secession which would result in two Countries!. And that was the main reason why the war started in the first place!. But then, with the proclamation of freedom for the slaves by Abraham Lincoln, the British came to the conclusion that
the North would win the war and relations between America and England would be in a worse situation than before!. That's why the British changed their mind and cancelled the decision to help the South!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Today, and for several years, England has been our best friend!. But in those days, the relationship was quite different!.
Less than 100 years before the Civil War, we fought against the British to gain our independence during the Revolution and fought them again during the War of 1812!. So they were happy that we were fighting against ourselves as this threatened to divide this nation in 2!. We were a very young, but rising power in the world and served as a threat to the British Empire!. They knew that if the north won the war, the United States would be reunited and the strength of this country would continue it's upward climb!. But if the south won, then we would now be 2 separate countries and therefore would not be what we came to be!. The United Kingdom would have greatly benefited from a separation of the north and south!. The reason they decided not to support the south is because they came to realize that the Confederacy was not likely to win the war!. If they had helped the south, there would have been consequences the north would have imposed on England the British could not have afforded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why!? ECONOMICS! Cotton fueled the textile mills of England and the South wanted to buy British manufactured goods (then better and cheaper than made in USA)!.

BUT, the Brits kind of changed their minds when Abe made it a moral rather than just a political struggle by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Britain was tempted to help the South merely as part of the on going rivalry between Britain and the US of A but many in Britain were appalled by the South clinging to Slavery and after a short while it became apparent that the North was winning so why back a losing horse!? What Abraham Lincoln did to deal with Britain was to employ a one time bitter rival as one of America's greatest Secretaries of State!. William Henry Seward, prickly annoying an ^ss by many standards, was tactful smart brilliant and orchestrated a campaign to demonstrate to the British Government why it should reject the South!. Many of Seward's methods bordered on thuggery, but they worked (a 'hilarious' side note; when Britain feared losing the cotton from the South, Seward made it clear that the Superior Union Navy could either prevent that cotton from leaving the South, or could seize the Ships carrying the cotton and thus provide Britain with the cotton they desired without having to extend the South further credit! The South was already in debt to Britain for past orders of Cotton one of the reasons why the South rebelled was to renegotiate massive loans)!.!.!.!.


The British needed the South's cotton!. But the British were strongly anti-slavery so when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that pretty well ended any chance of the British backing the South!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When it was about states rights they wanted to help!. When Lincoln freed the slaves and the war became about slavery, they refused to get involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com