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Position:Home>History> Repatriation of UK Artefacts???

Question: Repatriation of UK Artefacts!?!?!?
The British are not only bullied to death by the EU!. They`re also America`s whipping boy!.

All concerned want Britain (ie the British Museum et al) to return any and all artefacts which are in dispute!.

The British are the most generious with regard to attribution and return artefacts where justified- moreso than many other countries!.

Why don`t the backbiters gang up on Germany and/or the Vatican- the USSR which expropriated my own family`s estates and art works during the 1880 revolution!?

Why!? Because it`s only really good fun to bully a nice guy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Hear, hear!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's history! OK we may not agree with how these artefacts came into the UK but they're here now!.

If we gave everything back, how could we educate children and learn about other civilisations!? Books are boring, we need to keep these things, if you want the bad guy, go and scour the 1000's of private collections that are not open to the public and repatriate them!.

I've been all over the world and seen British artefacts in museums, should we ask for these back!? Of course not!.
As an adult I travel as much as possible, it all comes from my childhood school visits to places such as the British Museum!.

Let's stand up for ourselves on the world stage for a change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com