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Position:Home>History> Why didn't the Romans conquer Central Africa West Africa East Africa and Sou

Question: Why didn't the Romans conquer Central Africa West Africa East Africa and Southern Africa!?
I wonder why the romans didn't conquer west africa central africa east africa and southern africa does anyone know whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They reached out and controlled all the trade routes!. But Roman shipping was only built for the Med!. They had troubles crossing over to Brittania, and had no ships suitable for the open Atlantic along the African coast!.

Look at even a modern map!. To get from Morocco or anywhere on the Med!. coast to the next green area, you either sail around, or go through deserts!. The Romans were not explorers, and never really tried!.

Not sure why they did not go further up the Nile, though!. That, and the east coast, would have been more likely routes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They had no problem getting over to Britain, and they did explore the Nile route, though only as far as was really worthwhile regarding quick access to the Red Sea and trade with India!.
The Sahara composed a good natural barrier, though there is archaeological evidence of Roman artefacts such as amphora amongst the sub-Saharahn people called the Garamantes!.
Regarding west Africa i think there is still a lot of archaeological work to be done before we can decide on a degree of contact (if any)!. What is known, however, is that Roman traders got as far as the Canary Islands off the coast of Morroco!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those areas lay across the Sahara!. Before the use of the camel, those areas were safe from an infantry army like that of Rome!. The Romans saw the desert as a protective barrier not an avenue of conquest!. August did send armies south from the Atlas Mountains, up the Nile, and even to Yemen, but to no end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cost:benefit ratio!. there wasn't much civilization there to conquer!. When Rome invaded somewhere, it was necessary to have spoils!.!.!. Gold, grain, slaves, and cultivated land!. Both to feed the troops and to offset the price of the initial invasion!. Hope that helps, Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it that they couldn't move south because of the Sahara desert and also to go west was just to remote and did not have ant strategic value!. also they had their eyes on the middle east instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was extremely difficult to get south of the Sahara at that time!. It really posed no benefit for the Romans to do so and thus they decided not to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they tried and failed with the Carthaginians and decided to salt their land instead of continue in that direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there was nothing there that they wanted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com