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Position:Home>History> Was John Prescott the worst politician/minister Gt.,Britain has ever suffered? W

Question: Was John Prescott the worst politician/minister Gt!.,Britain has ever suffered!? What did he do for his wages!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think John Prescott was the worse politician as I think Tony Blair beat him hands down! After all Prescott only took his pay, you can't blame him for that! Blair was the one who kept kept him in place because he knew he could be trusted not to blow the whistle on his shady dealings

Prescott was there just to add power to the elbow of Blair by way of his support, and to create a good smokescreen now and then!. He couldnt ever have merited the place he took as deputy prime minister!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Norman Lamont is a good candidate for that title!. He managed to put and keep Britain in recession when most of the world was doing quite well!. John Major has to take some credit for persuading the electorate that the recession was a global phenomenon and not unique to the UK (as it was)!.

Other candidates are Antony Eden and Tony Blair (over Iraq)!. David Owen was probably the most ineffectual politician ever: in the end he had to form his own party because no-one else would "gang" (yes, that's what they called themselves) up with him!. And Geoffrey Archer was just a crook!.

Prescott has actually done a little bit!. Someone mentioned smoke alarms, there is also the decent homes standards, which unfortunately does not apply to private landlords!. The department of the deputy prime minister does not just sit idle!.

These are just politicians in my lifetime, but you, being interested in history, should obviously be aware of a lot more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here you go, knock yourself out

In my opinion he is far from the worst, the ranks of the Conservative party in the 1990s can provide dozens more incompetent self-serving thieves, while he has done his personal image no favours as a politician he has not effected any events that can compare with many others, after all accepting a pair of boots and a hat without declaring them and playing croquet are slight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Churchill hardly covered himself with glory in the years before WW2!. An obese, morally corrupt, alcoholic, depressive, racist (he regarded colonial troops as cannon fodder)!. With a petty, mean, streak!.
Cecil Parkinson, got his mistress pregnant, then when when he discovered the baby had Down syndrome attempted to get her put in an institution (that way he wouldn't have to pay child support)
Jeffrey Archer, purgered himself in court (repeatedly)
John Profumo, a minister for war that got caught with a prostitute who was linked to a Soviet Spy!.
Jeremy Thorpe, liberal party leader who tried to get his homosexual lover murdered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stuffed his fat face, made a mockery of politics, rode around in two jags hence the nickname and got more derisory hoots from people when admitting that he suffered from Bulimia!.
anyone suffering from that would not look like that fat buffoon!.
I know because several friends have had it and its a terrible thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plenty worse than Two Jags!. Anyone remember Tebbit!? Lamont!? Major!? That's before we get to the chief witch herself!. Maggie put hundreds of thousands out of work, sent the troops off to a war even more irrelevant than Iraq and was the closest we've had to a dictator since we cut Charles I head off!. Made rich people richer and poor people poorer, just to keep herself in power!. Worked abroad for 15 years just so I didn't have to listen to the cow, never mind suffer her policies!. She and the B-movie actor Ronnie R made this country into the laughing stock of the so called democratic world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

why is this in the past have you got rid of him now!? from the previous comments does anyone know anything about him that wasn't a slogan from the tabloid press!.!.!.!.he seems a hard working man of principle and worked hard at the role he was given!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.all this talk of pies is making me hungry nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

He ate, he got fat, he ate some more, he got fatter!. Fcuk me he's still eating, he's getting fatter!. And knock me down with a feather if he hasn't pulled a joke on us, he's bulimic!. But the fat twat is still eating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he was one of the worst, he used to go and play golf on a Monday morning rather to his office, as for his wages, he took it all and bought a big fat house in the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One good thing he did was to make free smoke alarms available to everyone!. Just ring your local fire station, ask for the Fire Prevention Officer!. He will call at your home and fit the alarms for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Renamed himself Two Jam Tart Prescott!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maggy Thatcher was the worst by far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ate pies,,had 2 jags and punched a few people,,Www@QuestionHome@Com