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Position:Home>History> Was Abraham Lincoln a Republican?

Question: Was Abraham Lincoln a Republican!?
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He was for his first term only!. For his brief second term, he and (Democrat) Andrew Johnson were elected into office as members of the National Union Party, organized largely to support Lincoln and anti slavery Democrats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, he was!. The first Republican presidential candidate was Charles "Frontier" Freemont, the cartographer of California and much of the Far West!. Freemonbt ran in 1856 and is the youngest man to run for President!. Abe Lincoln was a third party candidate that split the opposition and won the office!.

The Democrats are considered to have been "founded" by Andrew Jackson way back in 1824!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln was a Republican!. It's not true, however, that he was the Party's first candidate for President!. In 1856, the new Republican Party nominated John Fremont for President!. (By the way, the Democratic Party is considerably older than the Republican Party, and both Parties have changed significantly over the years!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Abraham Lincoln was elected to the Presidency as a Republican for both terms!. The Grand Old Party was created in 1854 to bring back Jeffersonian Democracy ideals to the United States!.

The driving force behind the party were recent legal immigrants from Germany!. They were Social Democrats from former Free Cities and Saxon Republics forced out by the Kaiser as he built his Unified Germany!. They moved to mainly to the Midwest and Texas!. What made them different from the Irish immigrants that became Democrats, was that they arrived with money, education and strong belief in freedom for all men and women!.

My mothers family were part of this immigration and my Grandmother has an original Certificate from the Ripon, Wisconsin Convention her Grandfather was given for the delegation he chaired!.

The Republicans are responsible for Women having the right to vote in 1914 and the 1968 Civil Rights act!. If you look at the Picture of LB Johnson signing the Bill into Law you will see George H!. Bush and Dick Cheney behind him!.

The GOP has worked longer and harder for the Freedom of all people in the World than any of the past or present parties partiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Abe would be ashamed of American today not just the republicans!. would anybody say that he didn't believe in fighting for what he believes in!? He believed and rightly so that slavery was wrong, He believed in all of our rights to be free to be able to pursue a better life, to reach for the stars or just a blade of grass, he was neither pro big business nor anti big business, He would not have looked at Iraq as a failure but rather a victory for a nation to pursue freedom that his own nation was enjoying!. He would have asked that we work as com unities to improve our towns and defend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. the Republican party has many nicknames and one is "party of Lincoln", another "grand old party" is what GOP stands for!. I think Lincoln would be ashamed of it today though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. The Republican party was formed very shortly before the 1860 elections!. Lincoln was their first candidate for President!. I must add that if he knew what his party has become, he'd turn over in his grave, rise up and smite 'em all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not absolutely certain but I believe he was a Republican infact, at that time, I am not sure that the Democratic party was even established!.!.!.!.!.at least not well established!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. The party was a successor to the old "Whig" party and was characterized by being pro-business and abolitionist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes he was!. Republican party was often called the "party of lincoln"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes he was it was the democratic party that was the party of slaveryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. But the Republican party was quite different in 1860 than it is today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but we shouldn't hold that against him :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com
