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Position:Home>History> If slaves in American never happend?

Question: If slaves in American never happend!?
would America be the super power it is today!?
would we be part of Britain!?

since we wouldn't have had that massive economical boost that it gave us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What massive economical boost!? For decades teachers have used the argument that America was made possible by blacks breaking their backs hacking at the soil harvesting crops of tobacco and rice and eventually cotton!. That is cr^p!.
Tobacco and rice and eventually cotton may have made a few white plantation owners wealthy, or at least enabaled them to build up credit debt giving the illusion of wealth BUT America's true Agrigcultural wealth was in GRAIN and that grain came from New England & Pennsylvania and New York and in time the interior places such as Indiana (in the news for some odd reason as of late) and Ohio and Iowa and Illinois and none of those states used slaves (for a brief period Slavery reared its ugly head up North but was abolished by 1800 or so)!. Lost in the urbanization of Long Island is the fact that once upon a time (1760 through 1850) Long Island was a 'breadbasket' a vast network of farms and though for a while Slaves were in use, in small numbers, in time New York rejected Slavery and got along quite well with hired labor!.
Slavery is negative labor ruinious financially!. One of the things that crippled the South was the use of Slave labor!.
America was builyt upon FREEDOM not Slavery!. Slavery was a gross and obscene abnormality!. America at the expence of the Native tribes would still be a super power to this day if Slavery had never been foisted upon these shores!.
(Oddly enough America would also be berfit of the great wonderful contributuion that N^groes have brought to the table; inventions as well as music & theater not to mention sports!. There would likely be less interest in Football and Basketball if Slavery never happened!. Hmm could America be considered a Super Power without the NFL!?)


Farm land has a way of creating a system in which deprived workers are required to make it work well!. If it wasn't black people from Africa officially as slaves it might have been like indentured whites, Native Americans, Irish, I don't know!. I do know that there will always be poor farm neighbors!. One consequence that comes to mind is that the US might have never become as strong of a single nation and stayed more statey if not broken into smaller groups without the binding force of the civil war!. I think America would have developed slower, and how that would have affected our interaction with Brtiain and its prospective on us is hard to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We would have been a lot better off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com