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Position:Home>History> Was claudius a bad emporer? why? was he like nero?

Question: Was claudius a bad emporer!? why!? was he like nero!?
nero and claudius empoers of ancient rome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Claudius, was a Pretty good Emperor of Rome, Reigned from 41ad - 54ad, when he was Murdered, Probably by his wife, for the benefit of Nero, (Rumored to be Nero's Lover)!.
Nero was Claudius Adopted son, and he was a Bad emperor, who play with his Fiddle, while Rome burned, (Rumored to be started on Nero's orders), his reign was from 54ad - 68ad, when he Committed Suicide!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No as they went he was pretty good but he was a wimp as a human being!. He really was!. The Praetorian Guard found him hiding terrified after assassinating his predecessor!. He was nominated as harmless but actually provided good effective leadership overall!. In spite of his personal faults!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Claudius was one of the good ones !. Nero and Caligula were real freaks !.Www@QuestionHome@Com